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Kamis, Januari 23, 2025

Kentang Crispy Siap Goreng by Kurnia Nuraeni

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Penampakan 11 12 sama kue putri salju. Tapi ini kentang crispy siap goreng bukan kue putri salju, bisa buat stok cemilan di freezer, dikala pengen ngemil, tinggal goreng, dijamin krenyes krenyes.

*Mau tau rahasianya???
Yuk melipir ke bawah

Kentang ukuran sedang atau besar, jumlah sesuai selera saja.
Tepung beras secukupnya
Kaldu bubuk secukupnya
Air secukupnya

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Cara membuat Kentang Crispy Siap Goreng

  1. Potong kentang memanjang, ukuran sesuaikan saja, cuci bersih dan tiriskan.
  2. Masak air hingga mendidih.
  3. Masukkan kentang, aduk rata sebentar, pastikan seluruh kentang terendam air.
  4. Masak kurang lebih 3 menit, jangan terlalu lama, nanti kentang menjadi matang.
    Angkat, tiriskan, tunggu sampai dingin.
  5. Setelah dingin, taburi kentang dengan tepung beras yang sudah kita campur kaldu bubuk sebelumnya.
  6. Kentang bisa langsung digoreng, atau disimpan freezer untuk stok.

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Discovering the Origins of French Fries

While the name may suggest a French origin, the true birthplace of French fries is a topic of debate among culinary historians. Some credit Belgium as the birthplace, where locals fried thin strips of potatoes in the late 17th century. Others argue that French fries gained popularity in France during the late 18th century, hence the name.

Regardless of their origins, French fries quickly became a global sensation, finding their way onto menus in restaurants, diners, and fast-food joints around the world.

Whether you’re enjoying them as a side dish, a snack, or the star of the show, French fries never fail to satisfy. With their irresistible combination of crispiness, fluffiness, and versatility, it’s no wonder that French fries hold a special place in the hearts – and stomachs – of food lovers everywhere. So, why not embark on a culinary adventure and savor the simple pleasure of homemade French fries today? Your taste buds will thank you.


  • Medium or large-sized potatoes, as desired
  • Sufficient rice flour
  • Sufficient powdered broth
  • Sufficient water

How to Make:

  1. Cut the potatoes lengthwise, adjusting the size as desired, wash them thoroughly, and drain.
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Add the potatoes, stir briefly, ensuring all potatoes are submerged in water.
  4. Cook for approximately 3 minutes, do not overcook, or the potatoes will become too soft.
  5. Remove, drain, and let cool.
  6. Once cooled, sprinkle the potatoes with rice flour that has been mixed with powdered broth beforehand.
  7. The potatoes can be fried immediately or stored in the freezer for later use.
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