Hai bunda. Kali ini kami akan membagikan resep original dari keluarga kami yaitu resep fuyunghai yang lezat dan memiliki ciri khas tekstur yang lembut dilidah dan mengembang serta saus nya yang nikmat tiada tara. Pastinya ini resep halal ala restoran terenak di Jakarta, namun mudah di coba di rumah.
- 100 gr ayam cincang
- 100 gr udang cincang kasar
- 3 butir telur
- 200 gr kol (iris tipis)
- 100 gr wortel (iris tipis)
- 2 batang daun bawang (iris tipis)
- 1/2 siung bawang bombay (iris tipis)
- 2 siung bawang putih cincang
- 1 sdt minyak wijen
- 1 sdt kaldu jamur
- 1/2 sdt merica
- 1 sdm kecap ikan
- 1 sdt gula
- 8 sdm sagu
- 1 sdm saos tiram
- minyak goreng
- 1/2 siung bawang bombay
- 1 sdm mentega/margarin
- 2 ruas ibu jari jahe (keprek)
- 6 sdm penuh (6 sendok takar ukuran @15 ml) saos tomat
- 1 sdt kecap inggris
- 1 1/2 sdt kecap manis
- 2 sdt gula
- 2 tetes cuka
- 1 sdt kaldu jamur
- 1 sdt kecap asin
- 3 sdm kacang polong
- 1 sdm maizena (yang sudah dilarutkan dengan sedikit air)
- 200 ml air putih
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- Campurkan semua bahan jadi satu (kecuali minyak)
- Aduk hingga rata
- Goreng adonan dengan minyak yang agak banyak. Lebarkan adonan.
- Setelah berwarna kuning kecoklatan, tiriskan.
- Tumis bawang bombay dan jahe dengan margarin hingga harum
- Masukan saus tomat dan beri air lalu aduk rata
- Masukan kecap inggris, kecap manis, gula, cuka, kaldu jamur, dan kecap asin.
- Aduk rata dan didihkan
- Masukan kacang polong lalu aduk
- Tuangkan larutan Maizena dan aduk rata
- Didihkan, lalu matikan apinya
*Cara menghidangkan
-Siram saos ke FuyungHai
baca juga resep fuyunghai kami yang lain di sini
Apa yang dimaksud dengan fuyunghai?
Fuyunghai adalah masakan Tionghoa yang dibuat dari telur yang didadar dengan campuran berupa sayuran,daging, atau makanan laut.
Fuyunghai apakah halal?
Memang secara tradisional, resep ini memasukkan daging babi di dalam adonan telurnya, tapi berbagai variasi di Indonesia sudah dibuat halal kok.
What are the 10 basic ingredients of Chinese cuisine?
Light soy sauce, Dark soy sauce, Oyster sauce, Dried mushrooms, Sichuan peppercorns, Sesame oil, Chinese five spice, Chilli bean sauce.
What are the 5 primary tastes in Chinese cuisine?
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that there are five major food flavours–sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and pungent (including spicy)–and each one is connected to the well-being of different organs.
What is the secret ingredient in Chinese food?
Lu sauce is the ‘secret sauce” of Chinese cuisine : Goats and Soda It’s called Lu sauce. It dates back 1,500 years (at least) and for chef Peter in Beijing, it’s new as the brew of soy sauce, ginger, garlic he cooks up each night — with a special touch from his mom.
What veg is in Chinese food?
Chinese vegetables include Chinese cabbage, bok choy, mustard greens, winter radish, snow peas, yard-long beans, and varieties of melons, eggplant and cucumbers, among others. These vegetables are becoming more familiar to an increasingly diverse population and the popularity of ethnic foods.
Why is Chinese food so good?
The ingredients used by Chinese chefs to cook dishes are fantastic. Herbs and spices included in Chinese cuisine make each dish taste like heaven. We also can’t forget about all the delicious types of sauces that make the dishes mouth-watering.
Why Chinese food is famous?
Amazing taste: The Chinese food is too good in taste and has a combination of all the tastes especially spices, it is s treat for people who love spicy food. Also, in Chinese food, you can have vegetarian food as well as non-vegetarian food, so everyone has their choice of food.
Why is American Chinese food so different?
This distinction in flavor can be traced back to the fact that American-Chinese food had to cater to a different audience, and as a result the flavors that we see in fusion dishes today say a lot about our food palate as a country.
RESEP FUYUNGHAI PREMIUM ala RESTORAN lezat dan memiliki ciri khas tekstur yang lembut dilidah dan mengembang
Kata Kunci: suka makan suka masak
Bahan Resep:
- RESEP FUYUNGHAI PREMIUM ala RESTORAN lezat dan memiliki ciri khas tekstur yang lembut dilidah dan mengembang