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Rabu, Januari 22, 2025

Tomato Asparagus Soup by Shearly Permatasari

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Tomato Asparagus Soup by Shearly Permatasari(Bilingual English-Indonesia)

Another soup for dinner tonight, simple light tomato asparagus soup. Basically this will only need some veggies: asparagus, tomato, mushrooms, and garlic. Try to use the fresh veggies for better flavor. I used crabsticks instead of crab meat, since I didn’t have any. Here it is.

(Teman-teman, ini aku share resep untuk bikin sup Asparagus Tomat ya, supnya hampir sama kayak sup asparagus, model kental gitu, tapi aku tambah tomat, sama jamur champignon didalamnya. Aku pakai crabstick untuk resep ini, karena nggak punya daging kepiting. Yuk, cobain!)

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Ingredients: (2 portion)

– 3 fresh green asparagus –> cut long (asparagus –> potong panjang)

– 1 tomato –> blended (tomat –> haluskan)

– 6 crabsticks –> cut thin (crabstick –> iris tipis)

– 3 small champignon mushroom –> sliced thin (jamur champignon –> iris tipis)

– 1 garlic –> bashed (bawang putih –> geprek)

– 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (minyak sayur)

– 1 liter of chicken stock (kaldu ayam)

– salt and pepper (garam dan merica secukupnya)

– 2 tablespoons of tomato ketchup (saus tomat botolan)

– 2 tablespoons of water + 1 tablespoon of starch (air + tapioka/kanji)


1. Heat a non stick sauce pan on medium, pour in the vegetable oil and saute the garlic until fragrant. Put in the asparagus, tomato, mushroom and the crabstick. Stir well for 1 minute. Then pour in the chicken stock, season with salt, pepper and tomato ketchup. Bring to boil for 20 minutes.

(Panaskan panci kecil anti lengket dengan api medum, tuang minyak sayur dan tumis bawang putih hingga harum. Masukkan asparagus, tomat halus, jamur, dan crabstick. Aduk rata selama 1 menit. Tuang kaldu ayam kedalamnya, bubuhkan garam, merica secukupnya dan saus tomat, dan didihkan selama 20 menit.)

2. Mix together the water and starch in a cup the slowly pour it in the soup while stirring the soup. Watch the soup become sticky bit and stop. Turn off the stove and serve the soup in bowls. Yumm..

(Campur rata air dan tepung kanji/ tapioka dan tuang perlahan kedalam sup sambil terus diaduk. Jika sudah cukup kental, matikan kompor dan pindahkan sup ke dalam mangkuk-mangkuk. Sajikan.)

simak aneka soup kami yang lain di sini

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