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Cake paling gampang Lekker Holland by Dapur Alysa

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Lekker Holland

Cake paling gampang dan anti gagal??ketika di panggang baunya menyeruak keseluruh rumah

Bahan Lekker Holland

  • 200 gr butter(bisa di mix 100gr butter+100gr margarin)
  • 220 gr tepung protein sedang
  • 130 gr gula pasir
  • 1 sendok teh pasta vanilla
  • 4 sendok teh susu kental manis
  • 1 butir telur

Bahan olesan: 1butir kuning telur

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Topping: kimsis dan almond slice

Cara membuat Lekker Holland

  1. Kocok butter,telur dan gula sampai kental
  2. Tambahkan susu kental manis dan pasta vanilla.kocok hingga rata masukkan tepung terigu aduk sampai rata.masukkan ke loyang ukuran 20x20cm olesi kuning telur.buat pola garis-garis dengan menggunakan garpu. Setelah itu taburi topping panggang selama 30menit dengan suhu 150°c

*Ini resep modifikasi
Sebetulnya takaran gula pasirnya 150gr dan susu bubuk nya 25gr
Gula pasir saya kurangi jadi 130 gr dan susu bubuk saya ganti susu kental manis
Rasa cake tidak kemanisan dan legit
simak juga resep lekker holand kami yang lain di sini

What is Lekker Holland?

Lekker Holland is a Dutch phrase that translates to “Tasty Holland” or “Delicious Holland” in English. It is often used to describe the culinary delights and food culture of the Netherlands.

What are some popular dishes or foods associated with Lekker Holland?

The Netherlands has a rich culinary tradition with several popular dishes and foods. Some examples include stroopwafels (thin, caramel-filled waffle cookies), haring (raw herring), bitterballen (deep-fried meatballs), poffertjes (small fluffy pancakes), cheese (such as Gouda and Edam), and Dutch apple pie.

Are there any traditional drinks associated with Lekker Holland?

Yes, there are a few traditional drinks that are associated with Dutch cuisine. Some popular examples include Dutch gin (jenever), Dutch beer (such as Heineken and Grolsch), and hot beverages like Dutch hot chocolate (chocolademelk) and spiced mulled wine (known as glühwein during the winter season).

How has Lekker Holland influenced the international perception of Dutch cuisine?

Lekker Holland has played a significant role in elevating the international perception of Dutch cuisine. Traditional Dutch dishes like stroopwafels, haring, and cheese have gained popularity worldwide, and Dutch culinary innovation has garnered attention and acclaim. The focus on quality ingredients, sustainable practices, and a blend of tradition and modernity has helped position Dutch cuisine as diverse, delicious, and worthy of exploration.

Cake paling gampang Lekker Holland by Dapur Alysa - aneka kue, baking recipe

Dendeng batakok agakk unik karena tidak di goreng kering, cukup di pukul pukul saja setelah di goreng biasa.

Tipe: aneka roti-kue

Masakan: asian

Kata Kunci: Lekker Holland

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