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Sabtu, Januari 18, 2025

Cookies enak simple tanpa cetakan tanpa mixer Thumprint choco cookies by Fatiha

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Thumbprint choco cookies atau kue coklat dengan ciri khas lubang di tengahnya adalah salah satu jenis kue kering yang cukup populer di berbagai negara. Kue ini terbuat dari adonan kue kering yang dicetak bulat dan kemudian di-press dengan jari atau alat khusus untuk membuat lubang di tengahnya. Setelah itu, lubang tersebut diisi dengan bahan-bahan yang berbeda-beda, tergantung pada selera masing-masing.

Salah satu varian dari thumbprint cookies adalah thumbprint choco cookies, yaitu kue coklat dengan lubang di tengahnya yang diisi dengan coklat atau bahan-bahan lain yang berhubungan dengan coklat, seperti kacang almond atau selai coklat. Kue ini cocok disajikan sebagai camilan di siang hari atau sebagai hidangan penutup setelah makan malam.

Cookies enak simple tanpa cetakan tanpa mixer
Thumprint choco cookies
By. Senyum keluarga

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Bahan Thumprint choco cookies

  • 240 gr margarin ( boleh mix dengan butter)
  • 160 gr gula halus
  • 1 sdt pasta coklat
  • 4 sdm coklat bubuk
  • 40 gr maizena
  • 250 gr tepung protein rendah

Topping :
1 butir putih telur
250 gr kacang tanah ( sangrai)
200 gr DCC / coklat batang
Video tutorial pembuatannya bisa dilihat disini

Cara membuat Thumprint choco cookies

  1. > di wadah bersih masukkan margarin dan gula halus, aduk sampai tercampur
  2. > masukkan pasta coklat, maizena, coklat bubuk , aduk kembali sampai tercampur
  3. > masukkan tepung sambil di saring, aduk kembali sampai tercampur
  4. > timbang adonan sekitar 7 gr lalu bulatkan
  5. > masukkan kedalam putih telur dan gulingkan ke kacang tanah
  6. > lalu tekan bagian tengah adonan dengan jari
  7. > panggang dengan api kecil atau suhu 140°c api bawah selama 40 menit
  8. > setelah 40 menit ganti posisi loyang, loyang bawah pindahkan ke rak atas, rak atas pindah ke rak bawah, panggang kembali selama 30 menit dengan api kecil
  9. > setelah pemanggangan selama 70 menit total waktunya.. Keluarkan loyang dan dinginkan
  10. > cairkan dcc dan masukkan ke plastik segitiga lalu tuang ke tengah cookies
  11. > setelah coklatnya kering, masukkan kedalam toples
  12. > cookies siap di nikmati

What country are thumbprint cookies from?

The name means “raspberry cave” in Swedish. In the United States they are known as thumbprint cookies.

What are some fun facts about thumbprint cookies?

Thumbprint cookies are also known as hallongrotta, which means “raspberry cave” in Swedish. They have also been called bird’s nest cookies, butterballs, or Polish tea cakes, and they are believed to have originated in the 19th century.

Why did my thumbprint cookies flatten?

Why did my thumbprint cookies spread? Your cookies may have spread because of the temperature of the butter. Fat makes baked goods spread. Try putting your dough in the refrigerator for an hour before baking/rolling to avoid cookies spreading

How long will thumbprint cookies stay fresh?

Store thumbprint cookies in an airtight container for up to 1 week. You can keep them at room temperature or in the fridge.

Why are thumbprints unique?

The finer details of the patterns of skin ridges are influenced by other factors during fetal development, including substances taken during pregnancy and the environment inside the womb. These developmental factors cause each person’s dermatoglyphs to be different from everyone else’s

What makes cookies fluffy and not flat?

Because of that whole issue with butter melting prematurely. Refrigerate your batter for at least 10 minutes before scooping it onto a baking sheet.

Why is my thumbprint cookie dough too crumbly?

“Dry” or “Crumbly” dough is a product of over-mixing or using too much of any ingredient during the mixing process. This can be reversed by adding one to two tablespoons of liquid (water, milk or softened butter) to your mix.

Can thumbprint cookies be frozen after baking?

Can you freeze jam thumbprint cookies? Yes. Let the cookies have cooled for a few hours so the jam sets, then stack the cookies in an airtight container with parchment paper between the layers. The cookies will keep in the freezer for up to 1 month.

Cookies enak simple tanpa cetakan tanpa mixer Thumprint choco cookies 1
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