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Rabu, Maret 26, 2025

royal donuts by Rumy Ardianii

Gathering with the extended family, the first thing that comes to mind is snacks for the children. Because when it comes to adults, even bitter melon chips would do, right? As long as it’s snackable and chewable, with engaging conversations, even down to the bottom of the jar, fingers will still search for leftover crumbs.

I made donuts for my 9 nieces and nephews. Especially when they’re homemade by their aunt, and even better, they’re free! Alhamdulillah… in an instant, all that’s left is the box and the stickers.

Potato Donut
Source: ayuaudrey91
Modified: Rumy Ardianii

Ingredients A:

500 grams high-protein flour
200 grams steamed and mashed potatoes
100 grams sugar
11 grams instant yeast (me: 10 grams)
4 egg yolks (me: 3 egg yolks + 1 whole egg)
50 grams milk powder
125 cc cold water (me: liquid or UHT milk)

Ingredients B:

80 grams butter/margarine (me: 75 grams)
2 grams salt


  1. Knead ingredients A until half smooth.
  2. Add ingredients B and knead again until fully smooth and elastic. Shape the dough into a ball.
  3. Immediately weigh each dough portion to 35 grams.
  4. Cover the container with cling wrap or a damp cloth. Let it rise for about 30 minutes.
  5. Deflate the dough.
  6. Shape the dough into balls again.
  7. Let it proof (2nd proofing) for 40 minutes or until it has doubled in size.
  8. Prepare a frying pan and pour in oil (make sure the oil is hot).
  9. Fry over low heat until golden brown. Flip with chopsticks or tongs, just once.
  10. Remove and drain. Let them cool before sprinkling powdered sugar or topping according to taste.
  11. Royal donuts here have luxurious and abundant toppings.

This translation assumes that “Royal donat” in the last line refers to the name or type of donut, and “mewah & penuh” describes the toppings as luxurious and abundant.

royal donuts by Rumy Ardianii - baking recipe

Dendeng batakok agakk unik karena tidak di goreng kering, cukup di pukul pukul saja setelah di goreng biasa.

Tipe: aneka roti-kue

Masakan: asian

Kata Kunci: ROYAL DONUT,royal donuts

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